Monday, May 25, 2020

Wind Energy We Need A Compromise - 1883 Words

Wind Energy: We Need a Compromise â€Å"The relationship between renewable energy sources and the communities we expect to host them must be appropriate and sustainable and, above all, acceptable to local people.† (Owen Paterson). This should be remembered as the world takes its turn toward more renewable energy sources. There is no point in making our industrialization of the world more environmentally friendly on paper if the world isn’t safe for the animals, or livable for the humans. So as wind energy forges on, the industry should be reminded of its problems and should not forget about the way the world should be in their attempt to save it. The development of wind energy is a prime example of this situation. While wind energy may have its fair share of problems and drawbacks, it is still one of the best ways to produce clean, green energy. The main problem that many residents have been very vocal about when it comes to wind turbines has to do with sound. Such complaints are usually about how loud the wind turbines are, but trying to find out exactly how loud the turbines can be leads to conflicting sources. According to a report by General Electrics, at 300 meters away, the closest distance a wind turbine is normally placed to a house, the noise heard from a wind turbine would be between 46 and 43 decibels (Kellner and Keane). â€Å"To put that in context, the average air conditioner can reach 50 decibels of noise, and most refrigerators run at around 40 decibels,†Show MoreRelatedMulti Objective Optimization Of Environmental And Energy Planning Problems1533 Words   |  7 Pagesenvironmental, economical and energy planning problems Mohammad Asim Nomani PhD Student Department of Statistics Operations Research Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India Mob: +91-9528072689 Email: Multi-objective optimization in environmental and energy planning Energy policy, environmental planning and economic development play a key role in sustainable development. 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